
Due to its connections with the parent company and the Kazakh government, Kazoil Kopa has first dibs on exploration acreage. The Company has pre-emption rights to buy existing oil and gas assets that are being offered for sale as well as access to new territories that have been secured through direct negotiations with the government. This advantage enables the Company to diversify its exploration portfolio and successfully compete with the top oil companies in the world.

The company thinks Kazakhstan has excellent offshore and onshore exploration potential. Kazoil Kopa is currently conducting offshore exploration in the regions of Liman, Taisogan, R-9, and the areas close to the Uzen and Karamandybas fields. The country has been thoroughly explored up to a depth of 3-3.5 kilometers on the surface. On the other hand, Kazoil Kopa believes that depth to contain significant prospective resources, particularly in the subsalt layers.

The Company wants to expand its exploration portfolio by using Kazoil Kopa power to directly negotiate with the Government for new exploration licenses, drill exploratory wells aimed at subsalt structures, and continue seismic investigations at existing exploration blocks. The Company bought 100% of LLP “SapaBarlauService” (currently Kazoil Kopa Exploration assets) and 100% of LLP NBK in September 2023, as well as 50% of “Urals Group Limited,” which in March 2023 acquired the license for the Fedorovskiy block, and the four exploration blocks Temir, Teresken, Uzen-Karamandybas, and Karaton-Sarkamys.