Company Strategy

The exploration and production of hydrocarbons in Kazakhstan is a significant industry, and Kazoil Kopa is a pioneer in the Caspian oil and gas market. Through successful hydrocarbon exploitation, we seek to maximize shareholder value while also providing long-term economic and social benefits to the areas in which we operate. The following priorities serve as Kazoil Kopa’s guidelines for achieving its objective.

  • Safe working conditions of its employees, as well as rational use of natural resources adhering to the best standards of environmental and health protection.
  • Kazoil Kopa believes that investing in human capital is essential for the company’s competitiveness and growth.
  • Exploration is the foundation for the company’s long-term growth and a means of expanding its resource base.
  • Being profitable is a requirement for the company to continue to exist.
  • The main objective of Kazoil Kopa is to increase shareholder value. By increasing hydrocarbon reserves and production, boosting the profitability of current assets, and creating new business opportunities, Kazoil Kopa seeks to increase shareholder value. The Company intends to increase hydrocarbon reserves and output by:

  • Maintain current oil production at existing fields.
  • Increase the recovery rate at existing fields.
  • Conduct exploration in high prospective exploration areas in Kazakhstan and abroad, and conduct further exploration of existing fields.
  • Acquire new assets, both in Kazakhstan and abroad, with emphasis on selected priority regions.
  • Expand the Company’s asset portfolio with offshore projects and natural gas assets.
  • Profitability of the existing and new assets will be ensured through:

  • Improved efficiency of business processes and technological processes, including through their automation.
  • Optimization of asset structure and business management model.
  • Implementation of new technologies.
  • Improved cost management.
  • Development of new business competences will be achieved through:

  • Development of own technical and technological expertise, experience of the management in offshore projects, gas business and international assets including through partnerships with large international oil and gas companies.
  • Establishing long-term partnership agreements with leading oil and gas companies in exploration, production, and service.
  • Staff training and development.